Week 47; A Little Lost Maples

1:00:00 AM

Hey guys! I really cannot get over how close to the end of the year we are! I only have 5 more posts until it's done. It's such a weird feeling haha. Anyway, let's focus on this week! Monday, I went to Lost Maples in Vanderpool, Texas with Lyle. It was quite a drive but so, so pretty! I am absolutely in love with the Texas Hill Country. I'm constantly wanting to be out there wandering and exploring. Actually, I'm wanting to explore everywhere. Texas is just a start ;). So, my photo for the week is the collection of instant photos I took while walking the trails (also included close ups of each). I wish I had taken more and had actually planned to take more but I was too enamored with the beauty that surrounded me. I do have an entire blog post of photos & a video coming up from our combined trips to Lost Maples and Enchanted Rock last month so be on the lookout for that soon! I hope you enjoy! :)

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