Week 34; End of Summer Raspas

12:08:00 AM

Hey guys! So, sometimes I really enjoy shooting with my iPhone for these weekly blog posts. Sometimes, it's nice to not stress over having to set up and plan an entire shoot for one photo. And this is one of those times. Today's post is really simple. Summer is over (womp womp..) and back to school has either already started for some or is about to start for others. It's really weird not getting ready to go back to school, even though this is my second semester out of school already. It's just different in the fall. Anyway, in honor of summer I guess you could say, here's a simple photo of something that screams summertime to me. Raspas are one of the things I look forward to most this season. I seriously get one maybe once a week. They're even better with ice cream! Anyway, enjoy the deliciousness that is this photo until next week!

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