Week 35; Rainy Skies

12:07:00 AM

Hello everyone! I haven't said this in a while but I can't believe how fast this year is flying by. 35 weeks already!? Ugh. Well, moving on, if you know me then you know I LOVE when it rains. There's something about the sound of rain falling, the gloomy skies, and cuddling up to be lazy that just makes me happy. However, earlier this week it rained at my house and there were only a few dark clouds. It was still mostly sunny and bright. It was around the time the sun was setting though so the sky eventually started changing colors. If you know I love rain then you also know I'm obsessed with sunsets. So, I was just sitting on my bed probably scrolling through Tumblr when I noticed there was a bright orange cast outside. Everything was just shining with this golden orange color and it was gorgeous. I grabbed my instant camera, since I had it out at the time, and headed outside to check out the sky. It was a beautiful mix of orange and purple and I loved it. I would have snapped hundreds of photos if I could but unfortunately, I ran out of film. However, I love the little triptych I created & I hope you do too! :)

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