Week 33; Ariel

1:04:00 PM

Hello everyone! Let's get this started! So a little more than a month ago, my friend Maddie dyed her hair bright red. She text me saying, "I think it's time for another photoshoot". So we started planning something out; something simple like an updated portrait. Then, in the middle of our conversation she says, "I feel like Ariel". Um, lightbulb! So, we planned for an Ariel photoshoot. Scrambling around last minute, we finally were able to get our shoot done. If you haven't seen The Little Mermaid, you're crazy and you probably won't understand the reference shots I got. It's been a goal for a while to do some sort of Disney Princess photoshoot and so far this year I've done two! So enjoy these shots & see you next week!

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