Week 31; Experimenting

12:10:00 AM

Happy Friday & Happy August! Can y'all believe it's already August? Anyway, for this week's post, I definitely encountered some struggles. Between getting settled back at home from last week's trip and other scheduled engagements, I hardly found time to think about what to post for today. One thing that has really been on my mind lately is the subject of creativity. I feel like I have really been slacking on that and I have been wanting to find new creative outlets to express myself. I'm just not sure how or where to even begin. This week, I took a piece of glass outside to experiment with some ideas I had. While those ideas didn't work out, I did stumble upon some happy accidents (in my book). For some reason, I was really intrigued by how the glass was so reflective but didn't give a perfect mirrored look. I don't know, I could just be desperate or crazy but I thought it was pretty cool. Until next week, enjoy! :)

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