Week 29; Lightning Storm

12:23:00 PM

Hi there! So, this week my idea for a photo changed quite a few times. Of course, these things hardly go as planned for me because something is always coming up or going wrong. Earlier in the day (Thursday), I had taken a simple iPhone shot of the image I was going to post. It was all set and ready to go until that night. My mom told me to go outside with my dad and look at the show. I was really confused... due to the fact that I was actually napping and she woke me up. I had no idea what was even happening. So, I got up and went outside to see this awesome lightning show happening. I stared and took it all in for a few minutes until I finally decided I wanted to try photographing it again. Again meaning that I don't think I've tried since the first time I "successfully" captured lightning, which was in 2007 with a point and shoot camera. How I did it, I have no idea. Enough rambling, enjoy my lighting composite as well as my first ever attempt from 7 years ago! :)


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