Coffee Shop Livin' // Paul

3:33:00 PM

Hey guys! Back with another post on this lovely Friday. If you know me pretty well, you know that iced coffee pretty much runs through my veins. It could be the middle of winter and I will still order an iced coffee over a hot coffee. This summer, I had busted my film camera out and shot on slide film. It had taken me a while to finally finish the roll and take it to get developed but when I got my film back, I was pretty pleased with the results. I also feel like I spent quite a bit of time inside (and outside) of coffee shops. I've been enjoying documenting little moments with friends lately. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to grab an iced coffee and relax! Hope you enjoy and as always, let me know your thoughts!

Fujichrome Velvia Color Reversal Film ISO 100

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