Week 52; Happy Birthday Steven!

1:43:00 AM

Well guys, it's here. The day has finally come, it's my last blogpost for my 52 week photo project. It's such a weird feeling thinking about how this time last year, I was merely thinking about attempting a project, and before I knew it, the ball was rolling. Then, I blinked again, and it's over. BUT! Let's not make this a sad post. It's actually a happy post for celebrating! Today's my brother's birthday! I told him I wanted to do a portrait of him for this week but he's not one to like being photographed. I had to think outside the box with him haha. Right now, he has a crazy beard growing and says he isn't going to cut it until May. My mom and grandma aren't too happy about that (lol) but it's funny to me. So, I decided to do something creative involving his beard, like turning it into a Christmas tree! I hung the lights over his ears and bobby pinned them to stay. Then, we hung ornaments from the string of lights and I added some fake snow flakes for that more Christmasy effect. It's a little difficult to see the snow but that's okay, I know it's there :) haha. Anyway, I just wanted to do something fun and different, per usual, and I'm super happy my brother was willing to help. If you know him, be sure to tell him happy birthday! :) Thanks for checking out my blog & let me know what you think!

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