A Look Back on 2014 | What's in Store for 2015?

11:46:00 AM

Y'all... I cannot grasp the concept that 2014 has come to an end. I also cannot deal with the fact that that means my 52 week project has also come to an end. I really had no idea what I was getting myself into when I first started this. There were nights where I was up for hours editing a photo and there were days where I scrambled around last minute trying to figure out what I was going to post. In the beginning, it was just a project I wanted to do so that I wouldn't stop taking pictures. As it got closer to the end, I started to realize how many people actually cared about what I would post and ramble about. So many of my friends told me that they looked forward to each Friday to see what I had come up with or that they were proud of me for keeping up with it. Those kind words from everyone really filled my heart and made me feel so happy. As this year comes to a close, I just wanted to thank everyone who had kind words to say about my photos and everyone who helped make them possible. I do plan on continuing some sort of project to keep up my blog but as of right now, I'm not sure what that is. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what 2015 has in store for me! Thank you all so much again & I hope you have a happy New year!

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