Photo Diaries: February 2016

4:50:00 PM

Hey everyone! So, I think it's safe to say that February flew by pretty quickly. It seems like I was just counting down the days to go home for my dad's birthday and now it's March. That's just how life is!

Going back to February, I honestly had a few more adventures and photo ideas planned out, but, like I said, time got away from me. That's okay, though, because now I just bumped them over to March, and that just means more content for me to have. So be on the look out for all of that!

Not too much happened this month. Between working and heading home for a few days, it was hard to find the time to want to go out and explore. Aside from grabbing some lunch or dinner and heading to Melrose to check out some live music, the main outing we had was visiting The Getty Center. This day, Lyle and my cousin Marissa grabbed some Lemonade for lunch and then some coffee. After, we headed to The Getty Center to check out some art! There was a lot of interesting pieces here and we definitely intend on checking it out again since we ran out of time. We were out on one of the terraces taking photos when a lady came to yell at us that they were closed. Note: they closed at 5:30 and it was 5:32.

Anyway, I'm not really one of those people to take my camera everywhere and say "Wait! Don't eat that.. I have to take a picture of it first!" (although sometimes I'll do that for snapchat...). I also tend to feel like I'm not really living the moment when I have my camera on hand. It's tough for me to find a balance, but I'm trying. I really just want to be able to put up more content! So, just be on the lookout for new blogposts coming up this month. I do have some planned and hopefully they'll all work out fine! Thanks for reading! xo

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