Photo Diaries: January 2016

4:30:00 PM

Hey guys! So, I decided to do this monthly series of recapping little moments throughout the month. This could be anywhere from mini adventures to random shoots to just any other photos or events that I feel like sharing with you all!

I started off January and the new year in Texas. We had gone home for the holidays so it was nice to be home with family. We headed back to California during the next week and decided to take an alternate route for a pit stop.

Salvation Mountain is a place that I have wanted to check out for quite some time now. Located in Slab City in Niland, California, it is an installation piece created by Leonard Knight. The entire structure is made from materials such as adobe mud, paint, tires, straw, windows and tree limbs.  It is said to be his tribute to God and his way of portraying the powerful message of God is Love. I definitely felt a sense of peace and calmness being there. It was such a humbling place to be and I'm so glad we got to visit!

Moving on, my mom bought these cute coffee mugs for me and Lyle for Christmas, and I thought it would be fun to take some photos with them. Since moving to LA, this was the first time I busted out my studio setup and it was nice to find a place in our apartment to shoot.

So, that pretty much sums up my January! We also spent many hours in traffic going to DTLA to hang out with my cousin (haha) and got to spend Miclynn's birthday weekend with her! I already have lots of ideas planned for next month so be ready to check those out! Thanks for your support as always! 

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