2016 Goals

4:37:00 PM

Hey guys! Ugh, it's been too long for me. Having so much to post at the end of 2015 and starting 2016 with nothing to post isn't such a great start. That's okay though because I'm here now and that's what matters. Today, I wanted to talk about my goals for 2016. These aren't all necessarily blog related, however, I still may incorporate them into my blog one way or another. I have four main things that I really want to focus on this year so let's just jump right into them!

First off, I want to declutter and organize my life. Being a photographer, that mostly pertains to my digital life. I have photos and videos on external hard drives, my computers, my phone, my email, just.. EVERYWHERE! While backing up photos is very important, I feel like I just have them cluttered everywhere. I want to clear out the photos that are irrelevant and savor the ones that are memorable.

Going along with organizing, I want to start journaling and keeping an agenda. I will admit it's already the middle of January and I have yet to find the perfect agenda. Also, haven't journaled anything yet. (Yikes, already messing up.) I basically just want to be able to plan and organize my posts better. So, we shall see where that goes!

My third goal is to learn a new craft slash get better at an old one. I took a painting class in college and it was surprisingly one of my favorite classes. Painting and watercoloring are two things that I love to do but don't consider myself an expert at. I don't intend on becoming professional or an expert, I just want to improve my skills in those areas. Another love of mine is hand lettering/typography/design. I sort of grouped those into one because to me they go hand in hand. I have a deep admiration for those that are skillful in that area and I aspire to be as good as they are some day.

My fourth goal is a given. I love exploring and being outdoors and I don't plan on stopping. Ever since I was younger, I was always one to be exploring new areas and adventuring into the unknown. I have quite a few places on my list for this year and I'm really hoping I'll be able to hit a majority of them. I feel like traveling, exploring, and adventuring doesn't have to be costly or a huge trip. It's always possible to explore places that are right outside your door! You just have to know what you're looking for. So, I definitely plan on a lot of exploring this year.

One thing I will say about my blog is that I'm thinking I want to do a monthly overview of adventures. For example, unless I have a big trip that I take (that will have it's own blogpost), at the end of each month, I'll compile the mini adventures I have into one post. What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments! :)

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