A Recap of 2015 // A Look into 2016

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Hey guys! So, just like last year, I wanted to do a little recap of my year. In the beginning of 2015, I really didn't have any specific direction for my blog. I wasn't blogging weekly anymore so I had to figure out what work I wanted to produce to show y'all. I started off by posting some creative images. For example, remember my cinemagraphs? Those were some of my favorites to make!

I also had a few client sessions to blog about! I photographed Nancy's graduation photos and Alexis & Edward's engagement photos this year. I'm so happy I was able to capture these important milestones in their lives.

I began to showcase a little bit of everyday lifestyle posts. I showed you how much I enjoy grabbing an iced coffee with my friends and what a day in my life is like.

But, one of the main things my blog turned into was my travels and adventures. I was fortunate enough to be able to visit quite a few places this year. I even packed up and moved across the country to California with Lyle! Traveling and exploring the outdoors has easily been one of my favorite things to do ever since I was little. Now that I'm older, I've been blessed to be able to go explore new places. I managed to turn Lyle into somewhat of an outdoorsman and I was even told that I inspired someone to get outside and explore the great state of Texas and that made me so, so happy!

So, one thing I'm pretty excited about is to see where my blog goes in 2016. Blogging is something that I have really grown to enjoy. I've always loved writing and photography so being able to put them together and share it with people is a great feeling. I love being creative and having a place to express it and share it! I'm thinking I want to take things a little further and possibly add some videos to my posts. What do you think?

So, here's to what 2015 was and what 2016 will be! Thank you for your love and support again this year! I hope you all have a safe and happy New Year!


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