There's Snow in Southern California?!

3:40:00 PM

Hey guys! So, 'tis the season for our annual Christmas photos! We attempted these photos twice this year. The first time, we decided to venture out to Sequoia National Forest. I had seen it snowed there a bit and I was so excited to see snow that I forgot all about the Christmas-y theme of the photos. On top of that, the road to a trail we were going to hike was closed. We were able to take some photos, but I just wasn't super happy with them. So, I went to buy some Christmas props and we went out for a second attempt, this time to Big Bear, California.

I was absolutely in love with this little mountain town. There were so many cute little shops in their downtown and there was a lake surrounded by mountains. There was snow everywhere! The only problem was that it was mostly for the ski/snowboarding resorts. We didn't know where to park to hike around on our own. After driving around for awhile, we saw a couple park on the side of the road and start walking into the woods. We decided to stop there as well and hike up the trail. It was mostly icy snow that covered the ground but it was still fun to play in. We took our photos and tried to get back to the car as soon as possible because my poor baby Sadie was freezing her little tail off.

We drove around Big Bear Lake and then stopped to watch the sun set behind the mountains over the lake. It was absolutely beautiful! We started driving back down the mountain and I had wanted to stop to take photos of the after sunset sky over the city and it was then that I realized I didn't have my tripod. Lyle was so concerned about getting Sadie back into a warm car that he put it down and drove off without it. I was pretty sad about it but I realized it was replaceable and not a big deal. It's better than him putting the tripod in the car and forgetting Sadie on the side of the road!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy our annual Christmas photos! And we want to wish you all Happy Holidays!

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