Photo Diaries - September 2016

12:51:00 PM

Hey, y'all! So as you're reading this, Lyle and I are galavanting around Portland, Oregon. I'm pretty excited because this city has been on my "To Visit" list for a few years now. *EDIT* This blogpost WAS supposed to go up while we were away, but unfortunately it didn't post as scheduled. But, that's not what this blogpost is about! Today's post is all about what I was up to during the month of September. So, let's get into it.

I'll start off by saying that I honestly didn't get to do too much. I worked quite a bit this month and while that may have been awesome for my bank account, it definitely was not good for my soul. There were days where I felt so uninspired and stuck. I was upset that I didn't have any content to work on and that drove me crazy. I tried to make the best of all my days this month by being thankful I worked as much as I did, enjoying the days I was able to do something, and enjoying the few days I had off to do absolutely nothing but relax and unwind.

In the beginning of September, Lyle's best friend Alex came into town with his girlfriend Zoe! They came out on a road trip to celebrate his birthday and spent a few days with us. We showed them around as much of LA as we could and we had to take them to California Donuts! After a few days of hanging out around LA, they left and went on to visit Yosemite.

The only other outing I had was a day out with Marissa. I had picked her up from her apartment to spend the night with us before the fair and we had decided to run a few errands. Honestly, I feel like our outings are pretty typical; a day that includes some food, coffee and dessert. Of course, some shopping is always involved at some point.

I know I didn't get into too many shenanigans this month but I hope you enjoyed reading regardless! It was tough but I needed to save some energy and money for Portland! We're super excited to be exploring out here! Some blogposts are semi in the works so be on the lookout for those in the next few weeks! Oh look, another exclamation mark! Until next time, xo :)

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