Enchanted Rock x Lost Maples

3:01:00 PM

If you haven't been able to tell by now, I love adventures and exploring. After coming home from Big Bend in May, I immediately wanted to go somewhere new again. So, I started thinking about trips for the rest of the year. You can't forget that we're in Texas and it's upwards of 100 degrees until September, so my trips had to wait until the fall. I decided to combine the two trips because they were just quick day trips. I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures with Lyle, as well as the photos & video! :)

The second the weather was tolerable, we headed out to Enchanted Rock. We drove through Fredericksburg to find Oktoberfest was in full swing. There were so many people walking the streets and so much traffic to get through such a small town. But, we finally made it through and went on to Enchanted Rock. I had heard it was a moderate hike to the top but wasn't sure exactly what to expect. When we got there, it definitely looks like it would be a piece of cake climb. I'm not saying it was the worst hike, but it was definitely a workout. The climb was so worth it though because the view was absolutely amazing. You could see the Texas Hill Country for miles. We went through the caves and then just sat for a good while and took in all the view around us. It was definitely a peaceful and humbling experience. When we finally trekked back down to the bottom, we rewarded ourselves with a delicious raspa from a food truck. I was happy to have finally checked this place off my bucket list for a visit, but I definitely plan on going back for other photo ops I missed.

We experienced a drastic change in weather during our trip to Lost Maples. Granted, it was over a month later but still, this is Texas. I know I wasn't expecting cold weather but what could ya do about it. We woke up, grabbed some breakfast tacos & headed out to Vanderpool. The entire drive was absolutely beautiful; nothing but open fields, trees, rolling hills, and can't forget all the deer and cows! We finally arrived and started out on the trail. While it was still a beautiful day, most of the trails and hiking was spent under all the trees so it was still pretty cold. Once we got out in the sun it felt much better. We hiked up to the top and found yet another spectacular view. We spent a while taking it all in and began the descent back down. We raced the setting sun heading back down and the hike down was a little intimidating. I would definitely go back again and I hope to soon!


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