Week 50; Happy Birthday, Aiden!

1:03:00 AM

Hey guys, only two more posts until this whole thing is over! How do y'all feel about that? Let's focus on this week first though. Today is my nephew's birthday! He's 9 now but still a cute little nugget. I wanted to feature him because it's been all year and he hasn't made his debut haha. I figured his birthday was a great time to do it. I said in my last post that I wanted to try and keep these next few sort of Christmas related because tis the season right? I didn't want it too birthday themed or to be just a classic portrait. I always like to put a little spin on things so I decided to throw in some blue string lights to illuminate him. It took a few tries to get it right and this image was as close to perfect as I could get. It was almost exactly what I imagined when I started planning for this week. So, I hope you enjoy and prepare yourselves for these next few weeks!

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