
Annual Cheesy Christmas Photos

1:07:00 PM

Happy Sunday, y'all! Today, I wanted to share with you me & Lyle's annual Christmas photos. What started as a random photoshoot playing with Christmas lights has turned into doing this every year. It's hard to think of new ideas or even fall through with them. We attempted playing with fake snow last year and for some reason, it just didn't work out. I decided to revisit that idea this year and it was honestly still difficult to do. Especially since it was just us two by ourselves doing these (mostly me haha). We picked a spot in Landa Park in New Braunfels that seemed "wintery" and just went to town with the fake snow I picked up at Hobby Lobby. We really just ended up making a mess with these flakes everywhere but we still had so much fun so I hope you enjoy! And it's not too late to book a shoot with me for your Christmas photos! Let me know if you're interested: lorisandovalphotos@gmail.com :)

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