Moving West: Roadtrip Day 2 / Monahans Sandhills State Park

4:45:00 PM

Part two of day two began in Monahans Sandhills State Park. After we left Marfa, I put Monahans into Google Maps and started driving. The front office closes at 4:30 and it was just about 4:00 when Google Maps told me to take a right turn on a street that crossed over some railroad tracks and was now blocked off to traffic. I pretty much panicked because I didn't know how else to get there. I pulled over to check the map and see if other nearby streets connected to the road we were on and pretty much none of them did. Great. So, I called the office and the lady at the front desk was more than kind enough in helping me find the park. She stayed on the phone with me the entire time until she saw the car pull up to the parking lot. It was pretty much right at 4:30 when we got there so I was very thankful that she was so sweet to help.

We drove through the sand dunes, parked and got down to explore. Now being that this is Texas, we were totally expecting the sand to burn our feet. However, it was surprisingly cool to the touch. It may have had something to do with the fact that it was an overcast day but who knows. We didn't complain that's for sure. So we ventured high into the dunes to get a good view of everything around us. And let me just say, Sadie LOVED the sand. She ran around and dug hole. I have never seen her dig before! It was so adorable. Anyway, we just spent a good couple of hours exploring the dunes, playing in the sand and watching a storm roll in from the distance. Also, we were pretty much the only people around so it was a nice and peaceful experience.

After we left Monahans, we drove to Odessa to grab some dinner and headed out to Amarillo from there. And on that note, I hope you enjoyed our day two road trip adventure! Day three coming soon! :)

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