Sometimes you just need to get away..

3:15:00 PM

Life can be stressful. Sometimes you just need to get away from everything that's going on around you and go somewhere that makes you realize how little your problems are. One of my favorite places to visit when I'm feeling this way is Enchanted Rock. I feel as though Enchanted Rock is such an underrated place to visit. The view is amazing, the hike is definitely worth it, and if you visit near the fall time, you are pretty much guaranteed perfect weather. For this trip, I really wanted to hike up just before the sun was setting so we could watch it set from the top. The golden sun hitting the granite rock was absolutely beautiful, I just could not get enough of it! Lyle and I reached the top to find that a few other people had the same idea. We laid in silence watching the sun set and I was in my ultimate happy place. Just as twilight hit, mostly everyone else began to make their trek back down. Lyle and I decided to stay and hang around to stargaze at the top. After about an hour, we began to head back down so that I could photograph the stars. After some trial and error, as well as some help from some other hikers coming down with flashlights, we were able to get some pretty awesome photos. I was pretty thrilled about the results so I hope you enjoy!

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